
Une tribune de Dakar au monde.

“In the way the frequency of my being interacts with yours I can tell the passion is the same, the love is the same, the struggle is the same

In the depth of my being I will find you

In the depth of your being I shall find myself too

Vibrate, l’art libère le partage

Sit under the trees with me, hold my hand, set us free; and as the sun shines on my face I remember it all

The good, the bad, the evil

The infinite beauty of the universe”

l’art libère le partage

Mots de Davis Ossiesse.

Crédits :

Photographe: @davisheuss at @culturepolaroid

Photo Assist: @projim_awom

Production: @davisheuss at @culturepolaroid & @sailesoleil

Direction Créative: @davisheuss

Talents: @daoriginalmuvaearf & @matakhe7

Styling: @daoriginalmuvaearf

Styling Assist & Movement Director: @tonton__rose

Lieu: @nalla_lna


Le regard des autres